

根据医疗补助、医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS), "The HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare 供应商 and Systems) survey is the first national, 标准化, 公开报道的关于病人对医院护理的看法的调查 ... HCAHPS调查向出院患者询问了27个关于他们最近住院的问题. The survey contains 18 core questions about critical aspects of patients' hospital experiences ..."

BBGH使用Press Ganey, 一个被批准的CMS调查供应商,被全国数千家医院使用, 进行健康及卫生服务调查. The link above to a PDF of the most recent quarter contains the results of each survey question. Press Ganey将这些结果与BBGH上一季度的结果进行了比较(左图)。. It also compares BBGH's results to other hospitals current results who are served by Press Ganey (at right). 请使用acrobatreader阅读调查问卷.